Tuesday, November 04, 2008

GeoKettle new version, released

The GeoSOA research group of the Centre for Research in Geomatics at Laval University, Quebec City, Canada is proud to announce the release of a new version of GeoKettle.

GeoKettle is a "spatially-enabled" version of Pentaho Data Integration. Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle) is a powerful, metadata-driven ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) tool dedicated to the integration of different data sources for building
data warehouses. It is part of the open source BI (Business Intelligence) software suite designed by Pentaho.

This special distribution of Kettle includes extensions which enable the use of geospatial (GIS) data. Like Kettle, GeoKettle is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).

GeoKettle v3.1.0-20081103 is still in alpha version but demonstrates the potential of this ETL tool dedicated to spatial data warehouses and Spatial OLAP (SOLAP) applications.

What's new since release 2.5.2-20080531?

* The GeoKettle extensions were ported to the new Pentaho Data Integration(PDI) version 3.1.0-GA. As such, this release of GeoKettle includes all the improvements from the new PDI version.

* Changed the core Geometry object framework from GeOxygene to the Java Topology Suite (JTS).

* Added native support for Oracle Spatial and MySQL geospatial DBMS.

* Speed improvements: due to the upgrade of PDI core and to the JTS library, GeoKettle now offers better throughput. We measured a typical speedup of row throughput between 15% and 60% (depending of the transformation) when using geospatial data.

Download GeoKettle new version [via GeoKettle site]
Below is a list of different versions released by the GeoKettle project. You can either download a binary version for direct use of GeoKettle or the source package in order to develop new steps or extend GeoKettle.

* 31.05.2008 - GeoKettle v2.5.2-20080531
o geokettle-2.5.2-20080531-bin.zip (77616 Ko)
o geokettle-2.5.2-20080531-src.zip (97386 Ko)

* 03.11.2008 - GeoKettle v3.1.0-20081103
o geokettle-3.1.0-20081103-bin.zip (66563 Ko)
o geokettle-3.1.0-20081103-src.zip (77918 Ko)

NOTE: GeoKettle is still in an alpha preview version. Some functionalities are not complete or fully tested. It is not recommended for use in a production environment. By using this software, you acknowledge and assume all the possible risks involved. The authors are not responsible of any consequences or losses related to the use of this software.



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