Monday, June 06, 2011

Download Esri File Geodatabase API - Now Available

Esri just released the Esri File Geodatabase API. This API allows developers to work with file geodatabases outside ArcObjects (the library of software components that make up the foundation of ArcGIS). With this API, developers can now create independent applications to view or modify data stored in a file geodatabase. Geodatabases comprise the native structure for ArcGIS to store, manage, and use geospatial data. With the Esri File Geodatabase API, developers can now create independent applications to view or modify data stored in a file geodatabase without having to rely on ArcObjects.

The File Geodatabase API is a collection of C++ libraries (.dll) for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows and Linux platforms that allows direct access to data stored in a file geodatabase. The API allows developers to

Create new file geodatabases.
Read file geodatabase schema.
Create schemas for simple features.
Read, edit, and delete data in the file geodatabase.
Perform attribute and spatial queries.

The File Geodatabase API does not replace ArcObjects as the recommended approach to interacting with the geodatabase.

For more information and to download the API, go to


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