Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Indian large scale topographical maps of coalfields

The Cental Mine Planning and Design Institute (CMPDI), an arm of the Coal India Limited, signed an MoU with the Survey of India for preparation of the large scale updated topographical maps of 28 major coalfields of the country, based on remote sensing technique.

The project, for which the Coal India Limited has funded Rs 117 crore, will be jointly implemented by CMPDI & Survey of India and will complete in five years. This is said to be a major task for the CMPDI to expedite coal exploration, mine planning, environmental management and infrastructure development in the coalfields area to match the coal-based energy demand of the country.

CMPDI CMD A.K. Singh said topographical maps will be prepared for about 26,000 sq km area on 1:5000 scale with 2 m contour interval in digital GIS formats. Large scale digital topographical maps will be useful for detail coal exploration, mine planning, infrastructure planning, railway siding for coal transportation, rehabilitation and resettlement and environmental management planning as well as integrated master planning of the coalfields.


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