Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Interactive GIS product, Site LoGIStics

Timmons Group, a leader in GIS services and applications, has developed a new, interactive GIS product, Site LoGIStics, aimed at enhancing economic development business attraction and retention programs. The product provides critical site information, demographics and extensive mapping features, which are key factors in the site selection process.

The Hanover County Department of Economic Development is the pilot community utilizing and assisting with the development of this new web-based product. Site LoGIStics has been a significant asset to their program.

Site LoGIStics is a valuable, web-based information tool for businesses, real estate professionals and site location specialists that can provide demographic and real estate information critical to identifying profitable locations. Previously, economic development and real estate professionals, along with business owners, had to search through numerous sources to find demographic and business data for specific commercial sites. With Site LoGIStics, these professionals and business leaders have access to important data from one convenient, web-based source.

Information available through Site LoGIStics includes:

Customized site and building queries searchable by square footage, parcel size, property type, etc.
Integrated demographic reporting with workforce statistics, household income, population, census and education level data
Comparative analysis of multiple sites and their surrounding demographics
Professional reports with customized demographic analysis
Aerial photos of the selected sites

“We decided to incorporate Site LoGIStics into our services because of our need to provide specific demographic information to what has become a more technically-sophisticated business and real estate community,” explained Marc Weiss, Director of Hanover County Economic Development. “Much of the evaluation of Hanover County as a business location initially occurs through our website, and it is critically important for us to have as much information available as possible. Hanover also has a very dynamic and entrepreneurial existing business community that needs access to detailed data so that they can incorporate this important information into their decision-making processes and business plans,” he further noted.

Randy Trott, Principal with Timmons Group’s Technology Services Sector explained that Timmons Group has provided GIS and engineering solutions for customers like Hanover County throughout the United States for more than 15 years. “The Company has enjoyed a long-standing professional relationship with the County and it was a logical next step to leverage their already robust GIS program in such a way as to further enhance the community’s economic development and planning efforts,” said Trott. “The solution we’ve built in partnership with Hanover County represents the intersection of our leading edge Internet capabilities with the County’s Economic Development Office’s professional expertise and approach to attracting quality businesses to their community.”

To see Site LoGIStics and test its search and reporting capabilities, please go to the Hanover County Economic Development website at www.hanovercounty.biz or contact Timmons Group at www.timmons.com.


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