Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Maps of Russia, and Moscow city in 1:10,000 scale

Specialists of ScanEx RDC have updated cartographic coverage on the kosmosnimki.ru geoportal by designing and rendering the millionth-scale map of Russia and maps of Moscow and Saint Petersburg cities to the 1:10,000 scale.

The Карты@Mail.Ru service that has already been using web-cartographic platform and image mosaics of ScanEx RDC, acted as a requestor for design and rendering of the millionth-scale map of Russia and detailed maps of the Moscow and Leningrad Regions. It was used as the basis for updating the content of the kosmosnimki.ru geoportal. The author and copyright holder of the cartographic data is the "Geocenter-Consulting" company.

The base mosaics coverage of the kosmosnimki.ru geoportal that was opened by ScanEx Center in 2007 was produced on the basis of 5.8 meter resolution images (the data acquired by the Indian IRS satellites), comprising the territory of the Central, Southern, and Privolzhsky Federal Districts, the Republic of Bashkiria, the Chelyabinsk, Kaliningrad and Leningrad Regions with the total area of approximately 3 million sq.km. Space data along with the intuitive cartographic base allows both visual assessment and measurement of certain parameters of the region of interest and its analysis with different factors in mind.


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