Thursday, January 01, 2009

ERDAS free webinar on January 6

This start of the New Year, ERDAS is giving you a free webinar on January 6, 2009 at 11 a.m. EST. The free webinar is called "New Year, New Tools – Turn up Your Stereo (Feature Collection)."

This webinar includes interactive demos, introducing a new suite of tools for the ArcGIS 9.3 platform. These tools enable users to quickly collect features from stereo images to create maps.

FeatureAssist for ArcGIS includes a suite of templates to collect rooftops of varying complexity in an ESRI Multipatch format. A multipatch shapefile allows a 3D model to be constructed and optionally textured for realistic scene generation. ERDAS Terrain Editor for ArcGIS provides point, breakline and area tools to edit geodatabase terrains. These new tools are add-ons to Stereo Analyst for ArcGIS.


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