Tuesday, June 10, 2008

GeoAnalytics Completes Central Addressing System

GeoAnalytics Inc., an IT consulting firm that specializes in the planning, design, and implementation of spatial intelligence systems, has completed a Central Addressing System (CAS) for Orange County, Florida.

The CAS is part of a first phase of Orange County Growth Management’s comprehensive technology initiative known as ALADIN (Addressing, Land, and Development Information Network). The system centralizes addressing functions countywide to ensure that addressing and street naming is completed efficiently, consistently, and reliably.

The system, built upon ESRI’s ArcGIS desktop, ArcGIS Server, and SAS technology, successfully combines web-based, spatial address data maintenance capabilities with enterprise master address data management and business intelligence. Supported by a standards compliant and robust data model, the CAS delivers enterprise street and address data to a wide range of consumers and business systems that use address-referenced information for operational as well as strategic decision-making. Automated Address Validation, Data Transfer (ETL), and Integration Services support data quality management and the movement of data between transactional, publication, and business information environments. Business Intelligence technology is specifically employed for address performance management analysis and reporting.

“The Central Addressing System offers the county the ability to streamline our addressing processes from multiple business areas into one common system to ensure the most accurate information is captured in the shortest possible time. This system allows for spatially establishing addresses as they are issued in the Zoning Division and making them instantly available to our customers across the organization, particularly for permitting, appraisal, and public safety. The system provides a great return on investment as many staff hours have been saved on assigning, researching, and verifying addresses,” said Scott Skraban, Orange County Growth Management’s Information Systems Administrator.



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