Saturday, March 29, 2008

StormNET Imports and Exports XPSWMM Files

The latest release of StormNET, BOSS International’s software for the design and analysis of stormwater and sanitary sewers, has the added ability to import and export XPSWMM files.

Chris Maeder, Managing Director at BOSS International, said, “This feature allows our clients to use StormNET for projects that require submission in an XPSWMM format. While StormNET and XPSWMM both utilize the EPA SWMM engine, our software engineers have implemented numerous optimizations.”

Using the same hardware configuration, StormNET is able to run the same model 2 to 17 times faster than XPSWMM. StormNET’s performance gains increase as the model complexity and size increases.

StormNET incorporates the latest version of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) SWMM computational engine. Originally developed by the EPA in 1971, the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) is a computer based tool for simulating stormwater runoff quantity and quality from primarily urban areas.

“StormNET is more than an extension of EPA SWMM,” concludes Maeder. “Our software includes numerous hydrology and hydraulic methods which are all accessible through a common graphical interface. A user can change computational methods within the same project and choose the one that is the best fit for their project.”

For more information visit


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